Thursday, October 30, 2008;
♥ 11:36 PM
today marks the end of chinese worksheets, lengthy sleep-inducing chinese texts and the like for the next two months at minimum! good or bad, Chinese is over! =))
so a few days ago was the last day of school, by right. by left, we STILL go back to school for chinese exam and PW rehearsal / exam in the next few days.. sigh.
well wednesday was the official last day, and we held an election for next year's class comm.
Results-wise i think everyone knows, the self-declared gossipmonger of the class 13/08 won herself a year-long subscription to the highest post possible in 13/08, the CG Rep! haha! Kow kow kow. no more skipping contact time! =X
So the results (if my short term memory doesnt fail me.. but it usually does.. =X)...
CG Rep -- Daphne
Assistant CG Rep -- Vicky (sadly! one more year of working with moo moo? haha oh dear..)
Treasurers -- Shiyun, Daryl
Physics Rep -- Kai Ru
Chemistry Rep -- Mavis
Math Rep -- Zhao Han
Economics Rep -- Thong Kiat
Welfare Reps -- Alicia, Li Hui, Phoebe
Outing Rep -- Michelle
Book Rep -- Zhao Han
And we also took a few last day pics right.. here goes, kopped from Clara!

shall go finish up on editing the script.. and Theen Yew, Akanishi Jin IS CUTE! =))
'cess (hahaha alyba recall?!)


Wednesday, October 29, 2008;
♥ 9:44 PM
Believe it or not, tmr is the actual CHINESE A LEVELS!! No joke! Doesn't feel like it though.. Feels like just some normal random chinese test or something. Ha. Anyone scared or stressed?! Don't be; you shouldn't be. Chinese A levels, no biggie right? Lol.
I should just settle with a pass, E or D or whatever(not like I can go much beyond those grades). And if I'm aiming high like the sky and still living in my la-la dreamland, I would very much like a C since my normal grade in school is a D. But I won't count on it, because I'm way too undeserving of a C. Well, just hope for the best yeah? Better not fail!! Touchwood touchwood touchwood!
I should be blogging in chinese huhh. Okay scratch that, I shouldn't even be blogging at all. I should be STUDYING CHINESE. Like bleaghhh! I'm only studying teng ye xian sheng and wo de mu qin and possibly ba ba the hua luo le if time permits. But uh, it's already 9.20pm so I don't exactly have much time left. Lol, well at least I studied/plan to study chinese? xP
I was walking home today when I turned around and realised the sunset was really really pretty today! Took a picture with my phone, but it does no justice to the real majesty of it. A beautiful myraid of the dark blue night sky, the cool purple haze(aha my floorball stick name!), the pinkish reddish hue and the bright fiery orange illuminating the sky.
Muahaha just trying to exercise my lousy vocab skills. But really, 今晚的天空很美丽!

I want to buy a camera! That pink sony touchscreen camera? Don't know what's the model name. Sigh sigh, don't think I'll really get it though. Just dreaming.
Okayyyy. I'm going to study chinese now, seriously.
Do well, or at the very least PASS chinese so we don't ever EVER have to study it again and go through anymore torturous chinese lessons . =)
一,二.. 来我们加油! Hahaha.


Sunday, October 26, 2008;
♥ 10:47 PM
Pictures from the bbq at kow's house on sat! Only took a few though.. I wanted to take more but I got lazy/I forgot. Haha. I've a picture of my dear and peebs too, but I shall not upload it here in case they don't approve of it. See, I'm so nice. Unlike someone(or rather, some animal)!xP
Kow's condo! It's pretty nice. =)

2 girl guides + 2 performing arts ppl = take 1hr to start fire
Red charcoal.. I see a glimpse of hope for us!
Finally, fireee! Fan fan fan fan fan!

Okayy, that's all I have. Thanks kow for inviting us to the bbq! Had fun starting the fire, pigging out and swimming. And COUGH, you better not be mean and say anything ah!
Speaking of which, I totally don't get
"Paper --> Grace.
Why: Lights up easily, Easily torn into pieces too. (Queen you can feel free to get back at Kow!)"
^from my dear's post. Eh, why do you say that I light up easily and get torn into pieces easily too?
Anyway. Is it just me or is the font size of our blog posts like, really really small?! I mean, I know I "like things big" and all, but I'm like practically straining my eyes to read our own blog. Ha okay what the heck, Kow and the rest are probably gonna laugh at me once again when they read this. Pfft.
Well, it's late. Shall go get some beauty sleep.
Happy deepavali in advance? Lol.
Sayonara! =D


♥ 10:26 PM
Decided to blog while waiting for the attachment to be uploaded. -__-"
So today we had PW today yet again... Hence creating space for Kow to come up with boliao stuff..
There was this 3 recycling bins, for plastic, metal and paper, located outside of the lift.
So Kow very randomly grouped her other 3 members into these 3 categories.
Metal --> Vicky.
Why: Cold-hearted. (true!)
Oh well, in this case, I'm expensive okay! Metals are expensive!
Paper --> Grace.
Why: Lights up easily, Easily torn into pieces too. (Queen you can feel free to get back at Kow!)
Plastic --> ThongKiat.
Why: Convenient, she says. o.O (like, how is a person convenient? lol!)
So, what is Kow then?
Kow, she's the normal rubbish bin with everything thrown inside! I can so imagine. =XX
Oh well my attachment's done!
Jya mata! =))


Saturday, October 25, 2008;
♥ 9:34 AM
Since Queen asked me to blog, I shall follow orders then! But I haven't any idea what to blog on, so I shall simply blog on our loves, Jung Yunho and Akanishi Jin!
Finding pictures took me a longgggg time, perfectionist mahh.. I was on a picture-finding spree last night too, but didnt find any pictures I liked enough, so gave up, continue today.
So here I am, after some one and a half hours of picture-searching and still not being able to find any perfect photos [o.O right!], I gave up, but still I present you Jung Yun Ho!

Grace's love!
Next, my own favourite! Akanishi Jin.

Oh, and here are Kow's favourites, from KAT-TUN and DBSK respectively:


(and this picture here reflects how I feel after taking so long to find nice pictures!)
Haha, so now you know what kinda things we talk about while doing PW, that Kow can actually find herself two guys she think are cute from the two bands Queen and I like. =X
So yesterday marked the end of horrible WR. Hmmm, the feeling is that of some joy (yay, never again will we need to spend evenings in school and nights online *=X* editing and discussing WR) but apprehensiveness follows on quickly... but still, PW is going to come to an end very quickly! =))
Anyhow, happy long weekend break to everyone (since no one in 13/08 celebrates Deepavali, right? =X), study hard for Chinese which is coming in like, gasp, 5 days or something! Shiyun and the rest are so darn lucky they dont have Chinese!
Special shoutout: Happy birthday to the woman who tagged the blog!


Friday, October 24, 2008;
♥ 3:53 PM
Hello hello!
Today marks the end of the horrendous process of WR-ing. Yeah, it's WR Submission date! Scary ahh!! Hahaha. Noticed a few errors whilst reading our WR but well, NVM. It's okay huhh. Close one eye. Hopefully the assessors will be nice to us and our whole class. =)
Nothing much happened to day la. Ms Tng gave us free period during chem double period to do our pw, but we ended up not doing anything for pw. Total nonsense. We were doing random stuff. It all started out with Michelle playing with Thong Kiat's hair for I dunno what reason. And then it went on to Kenneth, Linda, and Amanda!
Super funny, watching them destroy Amanda's lovely hair and giving her weirdo designs making her look like a maid with some hairstyles, and like that chinese chun li with some other bun bun hairdo. LOL.
And then suddenly everyone started doing FRENCH BRAIDS! Super cool. Haha. I did mine too.. after a few unsuccessful tries by Shi Yun and Kai Ru. Vicky dear finally managed to help me tie mine nicely! Thanks to all for your hard work at tying our hairs? Hehe.
Ok I need to go already.
Vicky dear aka 'cess should blog more often!! I'm always the one typing nonsense. Domineering queen, paisehh.
Happy birthday to the 2 guys.


Thursday, October 23, 2008;
♥ 12:17 AM
It kinda sucks being bullied all the time. Really. Getting bullied EVERYWHERE and by EVERYONE. True, sometimes the jokes cracked may be funny. Yes, I can laugh along with everyone else even if the joke is at the expense of myself. A comment here and there, no big deal. A little teasing, still manageable.
But there's a limit to everything, and this issue of being bullied is no exception. Even the most good-natured person in the world surely has his or her own limits to how much he can withstand. It is one thing to tease others, and another thing to step across borders and go overboard. The joke's not funny anymore when it gets too much. It's more than just being a big bully, more than just being plain mean.
It gets frustrating and irritating when the bullying and teasing gets too much, too overboard. Maybe I've been too good-natured, that I've never exploded at anyone over this. Then again, I guess I don't flare up very often. Still, it doesn't mean that I won't.
Just. Don't wait for the day when things get too out of hand(or perhaps it already is?!) and everyone turns out unhappy.
I'm not pin-pointing at anyone nor any incident in particular. This is just a general comment.
I believe I'm speaking for my dear 'cess too?
Sigh. I have nothing more to say.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008;
♥ 11:40 PM

Whose i wonder ? =)


♥ 12:52 PM
Gosh kow is like, trying to make enemies out of everyone huhh. Bad cow! Now would be an appropriate time to kill her slaughter her and yeah you know. We need to devise some plan or something to get back at her! Lol.
Pw is driving everyone mad! Ms Ng gave us free period today to do pw. We're all making use of the school's electricity and charging our laptops. Aha. Recession ah, electricity bill going up up up and awayy!
Everyone has been severely affected by the very infectious and contagious MAD KOW DISEASE! They're all spouting utter nonsense. Seriously. To add to our list of class animals we need to slaughter, I believe we have the class milky Pig? And maybe even - gasp - Ruster no. 2?? LOL.
The Queen and 'cess are constantly being BULLIED by everyone! How sad is that. Helppppp!!
Haha supposed to be doing wr now, so I guess I better go back to it?
Special shoutout to my(Grace) twinnie!! Faster regain your blood count ah! Don't eat so much ice!! =P


Tuesday, October 21, 2008;
♥ 1:20 PM
YO PEOPLE! Welcome to our humble blog. This blog is created in loving memory of a certain cow we INTEND to slaughter. But but, do not misunderstand us! We are the nicest people in the world, and we do not murder cow/s without valid reason. =)
Kow says we're retarded people. Gosh, the pot calling the kettle black! I mean, the super black chao ta until cannot get any blacker pot calling the very shiny and clean and totally non-black kettle(s) black. Okay what a stupid sentence. LOL.
We need to of course, introduce you our intended victim, Kow. Since we're such kind people, we won't say out her full name even though you all 13/08 people should very well know who our beloved animal is. Her picture may be up on the blog soon, look out for it!
Oh yeah, and 13/08! Visit us often and feel free to spam our tagboard with loads of comments, we totally don't mind nonsense. <3
This can be the non-official class blog, if you guys don't mind! Hahaha.
If you want us to link you let us know yeah! =D
Special shoutouts to my(Grace) Lao Po, who is also our dearest CG rep, Amanda De Souza! Love you loads!
2nd shoutout to my(Vicky) wife, who is none other than Ru-ster, Fang Ru! Love you too!
Queen and 'cess of the Royalattes Royal Family(lol?)